All exam applicants should download and READ the Examination Information Handbook (above); this is HIGHLY encouraged. The Handbook contains a ton of valuable information to help you prepare for and take your exam.
All exam related questions are answered in the Handbook.
1. Read the Exam Information Handbook.
2. Choose the license classification you want to obtain and take the examination for. Visit the Licensing page for classification information (
3. Complete the Application for Examination packet (found in the Examination Information Handbook and on Forms & Documents).
4. Send us your completed application with the $125.00 examination fee and other documents as detailed in the Exam Application packet.
5. Check your email and mail for your notice of approval letter or your returned exam application with items to be corrected.
6. After you’re approved by NCBEEC, check your email for an eligibility email from PSI. The PSI email will have the information needed to schedule your exam with PSI.
2. Click “View Available Tests” button.
3. Select your Exam Classification.
4. Click “Login/Register” button.
5. Follow prompts to log-in OR create a new account with PSI.
6. PSI “Test Taker ID” provided in the PSI eligibility email will be required to book your exam.
– PSI will not send your eligibility email until your “Authorization Period” begins.
– You cannot schedule an exam until your “Authorization Period” begins (dates listed on your approval notice letter from NCBEEC).
– You cannot schedule an exam until you’ve received an eligibility email from PSI. The email from PSI will have your ID needed to register for your exam.
– NCBEEC doesn’t have your “Test-Taker ID” information required to book your exam; PSI must give it to you.
NC Electrical Contractors Licensing Law: General Statutes 87-4 and Title 21, Chapter 18b
(found in Exam Information Handbook)
National Electrical Code (NEC): 2020 Edition (available at
National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72): 2013 Edition (available at
NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management: North Carolina Electrical Edition
(available at
You must apply for the exam and get approval from the Board before you can schedule an exam.
Upon exam approval, you will receive a Notice of Approval letter from the Board. We will email AND mail your approval letter to you.
You will receive an eligibility email from PSI within 48-72 hours of the start of your Authorization Period.
You must wait until you receive your eligibility email from PSI before booking your exam through your PSI account.
If you do not receive your eligibility email from PSI within three (3) business days of the start of your Authorization Period, contact us at (919) 733-9042 or at