Sign Permit

The Sign By-law provides regulations of various sign types including elections signs, mobile signs, fascia signs and advertising signs.

Sign regulations differ depending on the location of the property where the sign will be placed and are sectioned into "designations" or types of land uses.

To find out what designation your property is classified as please search your address in the Interactive Map of Land Use.

Apply for a sign permit

For event signs, please submit an event sign permit application (pdf).

Installing a sign in the Town of Oakville without a valid permit is a violation of the town’s by-laws and can result in the sign being removed and/or charges laid.

The application process

Step One

What you need to know before applying for a sign permit

The documents and drawings you need to submit with a sign permit application depend on the type of sign you are erecting.

Select from the options below for a detailed list of the required information for each type of application or review the consolidated Sign by-law.

Rates and fees

Refer to the Sign Permit Rates and Fees (pdf) for our current fees. Application fees are non-refundable and not transferable.

Additional fees will apply if approvals are required if the sign encroaches or overhangs municipal property.

Step Two

How to prepare your sign permit application

Submission standards

Help us process your application faster by submitting your documents in the following format:

Step Three

How to submit your sign permit application

Once you have read through Step One and prepared your application documents according to the instruction in Step Two you may proceed to submitting your sign permit application online.

Step Four

What to expect after you've submitted a permit application

The review and approval process of your submitted documents regarding your sign permit application will be processed through the ProjectDox software if your application requires drawings to be uploaded.

About ProjectDox

ProjectDox is a web-based program that lets customers complete the project review and approval process online. It creates an online workspace that people from different locations and disciplines can use to share information, making it easier to communicate and complete tasks.

Access ProjectDox via email

You will receive a ProjectDox Invitation email containing instructions and a link to access your project.

To log in to ProjectDox you will use your Town of Oakville account login and password. Once signed in, you can view project tasks and status.

During the review of your project, if you are required to complete a task you will be notified by email. Follow the instructions in the email to complete the required task.

If you are requested to resubmit materials, please only submit those requested. Do not resubmit the entire application package unless requested to do so.

Processing time

It may take up to 15 to 20 business days to process your application. Processing may take longer if your submitted documents are insufficient and need additional information.

If your sign permit is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your permit and any approved documents.

Step Five

What you need to do after your permit is issued (fixed sign only)

Next steps for permanent/fixed signs only

Within 10 days of the sign being installed, the sign owner is required to submit a photo of the installed sign along with a letter signed by the engineer or sign installer confirming that the sign has been installed according to permit specifications.

If the sign is not installed within six months of the permit being issued, the permit will be considered expired and you will need to submit a new application and pay all applicable fees if you wish to install the sign.

Submit these items through your online town account and select the "As Built" button beside the sign permit on the "My Permits and Applications" page.

Required information for sign types

Permanent (fixed) signs

Fascia signs

A single-faced sign, constructed of a permanent and rigid material, that is attached and positioned parallel to the exterior wall of a building or structure and shall not include a window sign or a canopy sign

To apply for a fascia sign, you must complete a fixed sign permit application and provide duplicate copies of sign drawings with the application. The drawings must:

Additional drawing requirements:

You also must provide:

Note that additional approvals and fees may be required if the sign encroaches or overhangs municipal property. Additional approvals will also be required if the proposed sign is to be installed on a designated heritage property.

Sign alterations

If you are not changing the structure of an existing sign, you can apply to alter the sign. Drawings showing the alteration to the sign are required.

Ground signs

A double or single-faced freestanding sign that is permanently affixed to the ground and not supported in any manner by a building.

Before applying for a permit for a ground sign, including directory signs, monolith signs, drive-through pre-sale menu board signs and drive-through menu board signs, consult Sign By-law 2018-153 for maximum sign face area and maximum message area requirements. Ground signs also require a portion of the sign to be open construction (the portion of a ground sign free from the display surface or face of the sign), depending on the height and sign face area of the sign. Consult the sign by-law for specific requirements for open construction.

To apply for a ground sign, you must complete a fixed sign permit application online and provide duplicate copies of sign drawings with the application. The drawings must show:

Additional drawing requirements:

You must also provide:

Note that additional approvals and fees may be required if the sign encroaches or overhangs municipal property. Additional approvals will also be required if the proposed sign is to be installed on a designated heritage property.

Sign alterations

If you are not changing the structure of an existing sign, you can apply to alter the sign. Drawings showing the alteration to the sign are required.

Static electronic message boards (SEMB)

A component of a ground sign that is designed to have alphanumeric characters and digital images that can be readily changed or rearranged by electronic means without altering the face of the sign and displays information in a prearranged sequence.

Please refer to the Sign By-law for the regulations on static electronic message boards. To apply for a Static Electronic Message Board, you must complete a static electronic message board permit application online. Your application must include drawings that show:

You must also provide:

Note that additional approvals and fees may be required if the sign encroaches or overhangs municipal property. Properties with a static electronic message board are not permitted to display a mobile sign.

Temporary signs

21 day permits

A temporary sign that is displayed for a maximum of 21 days. Signs that fall under this category include:

To apply for a Temporary Sign- 21 Day Permit, submit a Temporary sign permit application (21 day permits) online to secure a mobile sign location (subject to location availability).

Locations for mobile signs, feather banners and inflatable signs have been assessed by Municipal Enforcement Staff to ensure they conform to the regulations set out in the Sign By-law. Access the interactive mobile signs map to identify potential locations and availability for mobile signs. The mobile signs map has been updated to reflect the new locations based on the new sign by-law regulations.

Permit locations are available as follows:

Once you have confirmed a permitted location for your mobile signs you may submit a permit application within the following timelines:

Annual permits

A temporary sign that requires to be renewed each year. Sign types that fall under this category include

To apply for a Temporary Sign - Annual Permit, you must complete an Annual Temporary sign permit application online. The application must include:

For real estate (non-residential) fascia signs, window signs, real estate (non-residential) ground signs, hoarding signs and poster signs

For fascia signs, window signs or wall poster signs

Additional application requirements may vary for each sign type.

Community mobile

Community mobile signs permits are issued to charitable or not for profit group whose primary purpose is to provide recreational, cultural or community services to the residents of Oakville. Signs which promote a business or product or serve to seek employees, customers or clients for the organization displaying the signs are not permitted.

Specific sign locations are available on town property with two locations available per ward (assessed by the town). Access the interactive mobile signs map to identify potential locations and availability for community mobile signs.

Permit locations are available as follows:

Once you have confirmed a permitted location for your mobile signs please complete the Community Mobile Sign application online. Applications may be submitted within the following timelines:

A-frame development sign

A-frame development sign permits are issued to a double-faced a-frame sign that will be displayed on town property. The objective of these signs is to attract attention to the sale of new dwelling units within the Town of Oakville.

A-frame development signs are prohibited to be displayed:

A-frame sign development permits are issued for a full calendar year (January – December) or half year (July – December) and must be renewed annually. Please refer to the Sign By-Law for more information.

Your application must include:

Election signs

For more information about Oakville municipal elections, visit the Elections page.

Candidates must submit a deposit as listed in the Rates and Fees.

Candidates and their agents are responsible for following the requirements of the Sign By-law. Here are some things you need to know:

For more details on regulations governing election signs please refer to Sign By-law, Part 10.

For further information relating to election signs or enforcement of election signs please contact Service Oakville at 905-845-6601.

Mobile sign contractors

A Big Mobile Sign Company Inc.
4-50 Delta Park Blvd., Brampton

Affordable Portables
6-4136 South Service Road, Burlington

Alpha Omega Signs Inc.
11700 Lake Ridge Road, Sunderland

C.D.S. Signs Inc.
2430 St. Frances Drive, Burlington

Curb Signs Inc.
145 Engelhard Drive, Aurora

111 Caplan Avenue, Barrie

Magnet Signs Halton
1950 Fieldgate Drive, Burlington

489 Broadway, Orangeville

Toronto Digital Imaging
2201 Drew Road, Mississauga

Business & Development